First-in-Human Study of RGT-419B Alone and With Endocrine Therapy in Subjects With HR-Positive, HER2-Negative Advanced/Metastatic Breast Cancer
About the study
Who can take part
Inclusion Criteria:
- Male or female >/= 18 years old
- ECOG Performance Status 0 to 1
- HR+, HER2- tumor by most recent biopsy with measurable disease
- Have had no more than 1 prior line of cytotoxic chemotherapy in the ABC setting AND no serious/severe toxicity to a prior CKD4/6i AND no known contraindication to receiving RT-419B AND have had all acute/residual toxic effects of any prior therapy
- In the ABC setting, eligible subjects must have failed to respond to or progressed after <3 lines of prior CDK4/6i therapy and unlimited lines of prior HT and have had no more than 1 prior line of chemotherapy. Eligible subjects must have received and progressed on any combination of HTs including any approved AI, SERD, or SERM, and/or any approved CDK4/6i in any order.
(5a) For subjects in Arm B, at least one line of prior therapy must have included a locally approved HT which was well tolerated and which the subject is willing to receive again (5b) Subjects with tumors harboring a PIK3CA mutation will be allowed to enroll, and treatment with a PI3Ki in combination with HT will be allowed as a prior line of therapy. Surgical excision of tumor tissue accompanied by chemotherapy or targeted therapy is also counted as 1 line of prior treatment.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Presence of visceral metastases with severe organ dysfunction as evidence by signs and symptoms, laboratory studies, lymphangitic spread and/or rapid progression of disease
- Pregnant or planning to become pregnant
- Prior irradiation to >25% of the bone marrow and/or inadequate bone marrow function or evidence of clinically significant end-organ damage
- Major surgery, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, experimental agents, or radiation within 14 days prior to Cycle 1, Day 1
- Active, serious medical condition that is not well controlled with locally approved medications allowed by the protocol
- History of allergic reactions attributed to compounds of similar chemical or biologic composition to the drugs used in the study
Study Locations
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How to Apply
Study’s details
Breast Cancer
Age (in years)
Phase 1
Participants needed
Est. Completion Date
Aug 28, 2024
Treatment type
Regor Pharmaceuticals Inc. identifier
Study number
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